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საიტი მუშაობს სატესტო რეჟიმში


Eurodesk Georgia


In April 2021, at the Virtual General Assembly of Eurodesk, Georgia was elected as the 36th member country of the Eurodesk network🎊

With the initiative of the City Service of Culture, Education, Sports and Youth Affairs of Tbilisi City Hall, Eurodesk opportunities became available to Georgia 🇬🇪



Eurodesk network meeting in Georgia


📣 On March 27-31, 2023, a meeting of the European Union's educational and youth network - Eurodesk network was held in Georgia with the initiative and support of the City Service of Culture, Education, Sports and Youth Affairs of Tbilisi City Hall.

The head of youth programs of the European Commission, Mathieu Orphanides, the president of "Eurodesk" Lorena Baric, national representatives of 36 countries, members of the Brussels office and network, took part in the meeting.



🎯 On the first day of the Eurodesk meeting, after the opening ceremony, the participants started working on deepening the issues of inclusion in the network. At the "World Cafe Inclusion" under this name, representatives from Eurodesk Iceland and later from the German office talked about the strategy of inclusion for young people with special needs, their local and international experiences. At the end of the day, a tour of old Tbilisi, a traditional Georgian cooking master class and dinner accompanied by music by a women's choir were held for the European guests.



🎯 The following days were devoted to discussing such projects as Discover EU, The Eurodesk RoadShow, Time to Move campaign, strengthening the role of Georgia in these projects, implementing joint projects and promoting the involvement of Georgian youth. The work of the participants continued in parallel in working groups according to the following topics - working with multipliers - a systematic approach, making the most of digital access, training for multipliers QTP & eAcademy, European Year of Skills and EU elections, as well as Eurodesk tools and managing national information services for target audiences.




Eurodesk network meeting in Tallinn


📣Eurodesk network meeting Tallinn 2024 🇪🇪 🇪🇺

🎯 At the end of February, the Eurodesk Georgia team attended and actively participated in the international meeting, which served to share the network strategy, innovative methods and best examples among Eurodesk member countries.

On the first day, after the working sessions, the participants visited the Estonian Parliament, where they held a meeting with the youngest member, 24-year-old Hanah Lahe, who works in the field of ecology and climate.






🌱 Earth Day 2024!



Tbilisi Sports & Youth Center on April 20, as part of the "Together for a Green Future" project, celebrated with an outdoor workshop on green behavior and cleaning up the forest of Shavnabada, which was carried out with the involvement of the public organization Aisi.


The representatives of Eurodesk Georgia shared their experience with the participants about international volunteer opportunities in Europe. Also, young people got to know the local and international opportunities that #TSYC offers them.




Eurodesk Georgia's first Europe Day 2024! 🇪🇺



On May 11, our team joined the Europe Day event.

🎯We met a lot of young people and introduced the Eurodesk opportunities portal, shared the international and European projects that are open to Georgian citizens.