საიტი მუშაობს სატესტო რეჟიმში
საიტი მუშაობს სატესტო რეჟიმში

About Eurodesk

About Eurodesk

Eurodesk is a European youth information network, created in 1990 as a supporting organization of Erasmus+, Eurodesk makes information on learning mobility comprehensive and accessible to young people, youth workers and organizations working in the field.


With a network of 39 Eurodesk centres, connected to local information providers in 37 European countries, Eurodesk raises awareness of European opportunities and helps young people become active citizens. Eurodesk brings together more than 3,000 so-called "multipliers and ambassadors", who represent regional or local organisations, work with young people and provide young people with information about the mobility opportunities offered by the Erasmus+ program and other EU programmes. Over the past 30 years, Eurodesk has become the main source of information on European policy, mobility and opportunities for young people in education, vocational training, internships and youth exchange projects.

On April 30, 2021, Georgia became a member country of Eurodesk. From 2021, the City Service of Culture, Education, Sports and Youth Affairs of Tbilisi Municipality City Hall coordinates Eurodesk in Georgia in close cooperation with "Tbilisi Sports and Youth Center".


3000+ multipliers and ambassadors

39 Eurodesk centers in 37 countries

210,000 questions issued annually

5,000 public events

550,000 followers on social media

1.6 million young people


Look for opportunities

Visit the Eurodesk Opportunity Finder and find out about studies, volunteering, internships and grants.


Write to us online or visit us

 More than 3000 information points in Europe, ready to help you. Ask your questions and get free support.


Participation in Eurodesk activities

Get updated with the Time To Move campaign. Every year, in the month of October, more than 1,000 events are organized in 30 European countries to meet young people and share international opportunities.

Know your rights and express your opinion

The European Youth Portal allows you to stay informed about EU youth issues, as well as send applications for European Solidarity Corps projects and find out about programs and projects such as Discover EU and European Youth Week.